βž— Javascript operators and flow control

Guide on JavaScript operators and flow control, including if statements, comparison operators, and logical operators.

JavaScript Operators & Flow Control: Master in 60 Seconds ⏱ First 100 characters:Learn JavaScript operators and flow control quickly! Understand equality, if statements, and logical operators. πŸš€ Loose Equality vs. Strict Equality πŸ†š In JavaScript, you can compare values using loose equality (==) or strict equality (===). Loose equality (==) compares values after type coercion (converts them to the same type). Strict equality (===) compares both the value and the type. Example: console.log(5 == “5”); // true (type conversion happens) console.log(5 === “5”); // false (different types) If Statements πŸ“ The if statement in JavaScript evaluates a condition and executes […]


operators in programming

operators in programming

πŸ–₯️ Understanding Operators in Programming πŸš€ πŸ“Œ Introduction Operators are essential in programming. They allow us to perform mathematical calculations, assign values, compare data, and make logical decisions. Understanding how different types of operators work is crucial for writing efficient and bug-free code. In this post, we’ll explore:βœ… Assignment Operators – Assigning values to variablesβœ… Arithmetic Operators – Performing calculationsβœ… Comparison Operators – Comparing valuesβœ… Logical Operators – Making decisions in codeβœ… Bitwise Operators – Working with binary valuesβœ… Truthy & Falsy Values – How different values behave in conditionsβœ… Equality vs. Identity – Checking if values are truly the […]