
Projects Showcase

Explore a curated selection of websites I've designed and developed, each a testament to my commitment to creating compelling online experiences. From dynamic functionality to captivating designs, these projects highlight my expertise in web development. Dive in to see the diverse range of websites that showcase my dedication and skills in crafting impactful digital solutions.

My primary and personal website.

Vibrantly designed UI with a colorful website.

Large-scale online multi-vendor marketplace.

A versatile website designed to cater to various needs effectively.

A minimalist and artistic website crafted for a photographer.

Straightforward online store specializing in handmade glasses.

I partially helped in the development of this website which tailored for the stone industry.

I played a role in assisting with the development of this website, which belongs to a charity organization.

As a web developer, my passion lies in delivering tailor-made solutions that cater to the specific needs and visions of my clients. Whether it's a sleek corporate site, a vibrant e-commerce platform, or an engaging personal blog, every website in my portfolio reflects a commitment to excellence in design, user experience, and overall digital innovation.

  • My personal website,, serves as a dynamic platform where individuals can register as authors or subscribers. It offers users the ability to create personal pages, establish profiles, and facilitates author users in making posts. The website incorporates a smooth-running frontend powered largely by Ajax. I've developed numerous custom plugins for enhanced functionality, and I frequently update other dependent websites through this central hub. In the subsequent sections, I'll delve deeper into the website's functionalities and the plugins it employs.

  • is a dynamic online marketplace resembling eBay or Amazon. I've enhanced it with numerous plugins and ongoing improvements. The platform focuses on gaming, facilitating the buying and selling of games, consoles, PCs, and related items. Collaborating with developers, I continue refining it to achieve my ideal vision.

  • serves as a platform dedicated to assisting a music group based in Wales. With a unique graphic design crafted by the group, I meticulously transformed their PDF designs into an identical website interface. I continue to provide ongoing support, assisting with updates and creating new pages for their site. Working with these wonderful and appreciative individuals brings me immense joy, and I am committed to supporting them to the best of my abilities.

  • TheBestHouse.Top showcases the work of a skilled interior designer. Built upon my customized theme and plugins, this website fulfills the client's request for a platform where visitors can explore a portfolio of design samples. It serves as a communication hub for the designer to connect with clients, allowing people to appreciate and engage with the showcased work.

  • Introducing, a website showcasing the remarkable work of an award-winning photographer, known for their success in various photography competitions. Built on the foundation of, this site incorporates ordinary plugins, such as Elementor, to enhance functionality. It follows a plain and minimalistic design, aligning with the client's specific request for a clean aesthetic.

Codes Showcase

In my coding endeavors, PHP takes center stage alongside HTML and CSS. Additionally, I enlist the support of JavaScript, Ajax, and jQuery to enhance functionality. SQL serves as the bridge for effective communication with databases. Bootstrap becomes my interface design tool of choice, shaping the visual aspects. Leveraging a combination of functional plugins and built-in features, I empower websites with enhanced functionality and power.

Key Built-in Plugins and Functions
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Frontend User Access to Edit WordPress Posts and Wordpress Gallery
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Built-in Ajax Plugin:
Password Change & Account Deletion
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Dynamic Profile Image and Author Name for Posts and Comments
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User Profile: Update Social Media Links in Popup Modal
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Site Footer With Social Media Links
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Flying Icon Quick Login: Secure and Easy
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Shortcode for Login, Register, and Forgot Password
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Bootstrap Modal: Ajax Search Popup Form
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WordPress Navbar with Bootstrap Navwalker Classes
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Update Profile: Contacts, Details, Local Image
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Customized WordPress Post Page: Like, View Counter, and More
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55 Stacey Road, Cardiff, Wales

CF24 1DS



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